"Barbara Cox, the Olde Ghotes, and the Ghotes Mail List
Welcome to Ghotes.Net!
One of the best ways to hear about recent genealogy
research on Accomack and Northampton counties of Virginia is to join
the new Ghotes e-mail
list to share information with other Ghotes.
Please join our e-mail list server. Check
here to find out how to join. We would love to have you join our group to help research family genealogy as it applies to Accomock and Northampton counties on the Virginia Eastern Shore.
Ghotes Conference 2010 Our next conference will be in June 3, 4, 5, 2010. Please mark your calendars to keep the month open. We will anounce the exact dates soon. Keep checking this web site.
Welcome to Ghotes.Net!
Upcomming Events
The Ghotes 2024 Conference
June 25 - 29, 2024
Eastern Shore Public Library Parksley VA.