Eastern Shore Family
Data Files
(Ahnentafel Files) and Descendants
Updated June 17, 2006
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- Ahnentafel for Annie
Drue ANDREWS (ancestor of ghote Linda Harris) Part I Prepared by Linda
- Ahnentafel for Annie
Drue ANDREWS Part II (ancestor of ghote Linda Harris) Prepared by Linda
- Ahnentafel for CLEMENTINE
ESTHER ANSTINE Prepared by Linda Abel
- Ahnentafel for Peter
Franklin ATKINS (1861-1948, ancestor of ghote Carole Sherr)Prepared
by ghote Carole Sherr, formatted by olde ghote ARay Griffin
- Ahnentafel of Iva
Frances BREDELL Prepared by Carol Whitehead, Ghote
- Ahnentafel of Linda
BURAS Prepared by Linda Buras, Olde Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Arthur
Richardson "Rich" CULLEN Prepared by Rich Cullen
- Ahnentafel for Margo
DOUGHTY Prepared by Tony Ashdon, Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Millard
James DRISCOLL Part I Prepared by Bill Driscoll, Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Millard
James DRISCOLL Part II Prepared by Bill Driscoll, Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Thelma
Kathryn EVANS Prepared by Linda Abel
- Ahnentafel for Elisha
Henry GARRIS, (1901-1985, ancestor of Ghote Linda Harris) Prepared
by Ghote Linda Harris
- Ahnentafel for Obediah
George GOFFIGON Prepared by Barbara Cox, GhotesMomma
- Ahnentafel for Robert
Edward GOOTEE Prepared by Robert Edward Gootee, not so old Ghote
- Ahnentafel for A. Ray
GRIFFIN, Jr. Prepared by A. Ray Griffin, Jr., Olde Ghote
- Ahnentafel Chart for
Patience HILL Prepared by Moody Miles
- Ahnentafel for Eva
Virginia JUSTIS Prepared by Jack Burn, Ghote and Webmaster
* Updated May 2008
- Ahnentafel of Linda
Diane LEWIS Prepared by Linda Diane Lewis, Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Rebecca
Lynn MILES Prepared by Moody Miles
- Ahnentafel for Harriet
Ellen PENNEWELL Prepared by James Casper, Ghote
- Ahnentafel for Emory Sara
Lee MAPP Prepared By Patricia Ann Scherzinger Grandaughter
- Ahnentafel for Victor MAPP
POWELLPrepared By Patricia Ann Scherzinger Grandaughter
- Ahnentafel of Edward
Norman SAVAGE Prepared by Ted Savage, Ghote
- Ahnentafel of Donna
Carroll SMITH Prepared by Donna Baker - dsbaker007@earthlink.net
- Ahnentafel of Judith Ann
- Ahnentafel for Roberta
May STURGIS Prepared by Barbara Cox, GhotesMomma
- Ancestors of Thomas TULL, Sr.
Prepared by Rob Hall
- Ahnentafel for Denis
WOOD formatted by Ray Griffin, Olde Ghote
- Ancestors of Alwyn Henry
WOOTTEN Prepared by Al
- Ahnentafel for Anne
Trower WYATT Prepared by W. Banks Peterson, Jr., Ghote
- Ahnentafel of Anne
YOUNGBLOOD Zink Prepared by Anne Zink, Ghote
- Ahnentafel of William S. Burton, M.D.
- Descendants of
Dion George AGATHOIN Prepared by Elwyn Bull, Ghote
- Descendants of
David BAGWELL Prepared by Mr. W. F. Leatherbury, Ghote
- Descendants of
Peter BECKETT Prepared by Carolyn Adams, Ghote
- Descendants of
William BIBBY and Mary (---) Posted by Nita Pearce, Ghote
- Descendants of James BONWELL I
by Rob Hall, Ghote
- Descendants of
Mitchell CHANDLER.
- Descendants of John
COBB Prepared by Richard McMurtry
- Descendants of Timothy COE
Prepared by Carl Coe
- Descendants of
Stephen COSTIN Prepared by Connie Pruitt, Olde Ghote
- Descendants of
Andrew DUNTON Prepared by William S. Burton, M.D., Olde Ghote
- Descendants of
Matthew GETHINGS Contributed to the GHOTES Web site by Ann Blomquist,
- Descendants of Captain
Thomas Graves Contributed by Michael Graves
- Descendants of
Richard Hanby Contributed to the GHOTES Web site by Ann Blomquist,
- Descendants of
Levin JOYNES Prepared by Ruth Williams, Ghotes, and Barbara Charles
- Descendants of William
JUSTICE Prepared by Jack Burn, Ghote
- Descendants of
Thomas LEATHERBURY Prepared by Mr. W. F. Leatherbury, Ghote (Note: Large
- Descendants of
James T. MAPP Prepared by Don Mapp, Ghote
- Descendants of John MAPP I
Prepared by Pat Scherzinger
- Descendants of
Thomas and Esther MARSHALL Contributed by Judy Stell, Ghote
- Descendants of
Southy NELSON, Jr. Prepared by Will Brown, Olde Ghote
- Descendants
of Clement ONLEY Prepared by Ed Onley, Ghote
- Descendants of
John OUTTEN Prepared by Karen Stephens, Ghote
- Descendants of George PARKER
Prepared by James R. Revell, Sr., Ghote
- Descendants of
William PARKER. Prepared by Howard D. Blair, Ghote
- Descendants of
Randall REVELL, Sr. Prepared by Mr. W. F. Leatherbury, Ghote
- Descendants of Edmund
SCARBOROUGH Prepared by Cynthia McDaniel, Ghote
- Descendants of
John STRINGER Prepared by Linda Harris, Ghote
- Descendants of
STURGIS. Research project by Judy Stell, Ghote
- Descendants
of Abraham TAYLOR Contributed to the GHOTES Web site by Ann
- Descendants of
Thomas TAYLOR Contributed to the GHOTES Web site by Ann Blomquist
- Descendants of Richard
TULL Prepared by Rob Hall
- Descendants of
Thomas Tunnell Prepared by Mark Tunnell
Descendants of
Willliam TWIFORD Provided by Don Bellessa, Ghote
- Descendants of
Littleton UPSHUR I Provided by Dr. William S. Burton, "Dr. Bill," Olde
- Descendants of James H. WARD,
Sr. Provided by Ghote Denis Wood
- Descendants of
Zorobable WILLIS Prepared by Don Mapp, Ghote
- Descendants of John
WISE Prepared by Brenda Salinas
Family Journals are a unique form of family file created by some
genealogy software programs. Some of these files start with the descendant and
work back through the ancestors. Some begin with the earliest ancestor and work
forward. In either case, links to date (where provided) on parents and children
help you work your way through a family. We have posted these files in their own
section. Be sure to check the index of the Family Journal section. To get there, click here.
"Ahnentafel" is a German word meaning ancestor table. This type of report is
a pedigree chart in text rather than in graphic form. An ahnentafel
number is unique number assigned to each position in a pedigree. The
number does not vary from chart to chart. Your grandfather is always number 2;
your grandmother is always number 3; etc. The numbering "doubles" with each
generation. Males are always assigned the even number and females the odd.
First Generation
1 You
Second Generation
2 Your father
3 Your mother
4 Your father's
5 Your father's
6 Your mother's
7 Your mother's
Fourth Generation
8 Your father's father's father
9 Your father's father's mother
10Your father's mother's father
11Your father's mother's mother
12Your mother's father's father
13Your mother's father's mother
14Your mother's mother's father
15Your mother's mother's mother
Notice that
the numbers double with each generation.
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Barbara Cox ghotes@ix.netcom.com
Web page copyright (C) 1996-2006.